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How to be a responsible overlander: 4 tips to go green while going off-road


Overlanding, the adventurous pursuit of exploring remote destinations by vehicle, has gained immense popularity in recent years. As avid RVers, we prioritize safeguarding the natural environment and the stunning world we inhabit. Nothing compares to the tranquil beauty of unspoiled landscapes, which serve as the perfect backdrop for our RV camping adventures. Preserving these vistas for future generations is paramount to us. However, with the increasing number of off-road enthusiasts, it becomes crucial to prioritize responsible practices that minimize our environmental impact. 

In this article, we will discuss four essential tips to help you become a responsible overlander and embrace sustainable practices while enjoying the thrill of off-road adventures.

Plan ahead for your off-road adventure

The phrase “overlanding” may conjure up pictures of cars driving across pristine landscapes, distant from any traces of human habitation. This isn’t always the case, though, as the majority of off-roading and overlanding activities take place on public grounds that have been designated for these purposes. Even though some regions are frequently secluded and largely devoid of other people—some of the most alluring characteristics of overlanding—that doesn’t guarantee you can drive just anywhere.

When getting ready to explore the wilderness, do your due diligence. This includes knowing the rules and regulations of the place you’re visiting, properly disposing of food and waste items, and traveling in smaller groups.

Recycle while off-road

Humans create a lot of trash without even realizing the extent of their waste. Part of this has to do with the entirely disposable lifestyle humans now live.

While outdoor enthusiasts well-versed in the principles of Leave No Trace are familiar with respecting wildlife, proper waste disposal, and consideration for others, it is essential to acknowledge that these guidelines primarily address activities such as hiking and mountain biking, leaving out the specific impact of motorized recreation. Place your recyclables and rubbish in towns with the appropriate facilities. 

Remember – if you take your mini-caravan out for a whole summer, for example, you might need to carry three to four weeks’ worth of garbage, so plan accordingly. Additionally, keep a separate pail or container for recycling until you are in a community with suitable recycling services.


Waste management

As a rule of thumb, you should always leave everything as you find it. Maybe even cleaner 🙂 But we know it is not easy to reach a recycling bin in remote places. However, you shouldn’t throw your waste anywhere while traveling off-road.

As you are still at the store, break down your purchases. We frequently prepare our groceries and food storage while still in the parking lot of the supermarket. Get rid of the product’s packaging and place the food in reusable storage containers. You can utilize the recycling bins at the shop. 😉 

Or, instead of carrying a lot of food, think about purchasing local meats or produce and consuming the cuisine of the nation or region you are visiting. Since you don’t have to worry as much about refrigeration or carrying huge amounts of food, you can also save on fuel this way.

Take care of the campfire

Overlanding frequently depends on the campfire. It generates heat, smells wonderful, and fosters a socially inviting environment. Campfires, however, can cause air pollution. The EPA claims that carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, harmful air pollutants including benzene and formaldehyde, and fine particulate matter that can cause heart attacks, strokes, and other health problems are all present in wood smoke. Nature and people are both at risk from a poorly managed bonfire. Learn how to choose your campfire area and other campfire safety advice to enjoy your campfire safely.

Every little amount counts, even when it can seem like you could almost have an impact on your own. You may contribute to the preservation of our species and ensure that everyone has fun by adhering to these off-road responsibility guidelines. If you need a great mini caravan to travel off-road, don’t hesitate to contact us